Just when you thought it was safe (to be bland) I hit you with
even more metal!!Check out some of the new items hitting the store today....

This slew of metallic duds will pull you in like a friggin' magnet!

All of it is vintage,
soft at times,
tough when it needs to be,
and always memorable.

What Cleopatra might wear if she was born in the 60's
...and liked keyhole necks

A silver shirt to end all other silver shirts (lives)

and Sheer
(danger!! danger!!)
Who doesn't need a vintage gold metallic dolmas sleeved shirt?
Silver zip up turtleneck with puffy wrists
**Forehead vein not included
All this and mo' metal at
ReanimatedRags.etsy.com Thanks for checkin' me out, and hopefully these radical clothes didn't melt too many faces!