I went on a smash and grab into my piles and piles of clothes to add to the store (overwhelming, I must say). I decided to model a few for you personally rather than just throwing them on a headless mannequin, which can be a little creepy and not necessarily in a good way. So without further ado....

We have first and foremost one dress that is both "metal" (color) and slightly clownish (collar). Can you imagine a more provocative combination? We all want to feel like bad ass rock stars sometimes and I know I feel like a clown at least 7-8 times a day, so I hate to lose this baby. But its for the greater good, ladies. Just give her a good home, will ya?

Next up, in true Reanimated Rags fashion we are going guardrail to guardrail to take you from 1970’s/80’s gold threaded ruffly collared temptress to 1960's floral neon housewife. (She is inside each of us, just waiting to break out...) My favorite part of this housedress are the oversized pockets which would be handy for carrying a Harlequin romance and a carton of cigarettes in one side and a full sized bottle of pine sol in the other.
These next two items are like a scary trip into the past…. Nightgowns.

But not your fresh out of the Victoria’s Secret catalog “sexy nightgowns.” I’m talking your old school, country, made of flannel or some other highly insulating fiber, which basically says to the world, not only am I not here for
your pleasure, but I’m not even here for mine! I mean, who needs an electric blanket when you got one of these?

I see a zombie country Christmas in someone’s future. Emerald green with cream lace ruffled collar that goes all around the back of the gown (funny to say “gown” and really mean GOWN) and then for easy access, a zip that says “maybe I’ll squeeze you in between Lawrence Welk and my cross-stitching, dear.”

And let’s never never never forget the deep, primal and timeless sensuality of the color Red. This red gown with plaid and lace ruffled collar and sleeves will have your old man begging for more. Really, don’t you just wish you’d had this for your wedding night? Talk about instantaneous annulment. Glory me!

Without missing a step, we have what could be the most beautiful (on paper) muumuu that I have ever come across. I hear you…scoffing, sniggering, and full of smug doubt. Really the only thing that should really put this in the muumuu category would be the open and completely huge shape of this “dress.” It is a beautiful true blue with a pastel floral appliqué design on the front of the dress and on one of the sleeves, which should be noted are huge puffy sleeves with nice little shoulder pads and pleating. This is not your mother’s muumuu! Get it while you can!

Next, a tribute to one of my all time favorite shows, The Golden Girls. This outfit screams 1970’s loungewear with its subtly puffy sleeves, light blue velour, and asian style collar. (It’s all about the collar today, now isn’t it?)
Vintage Pierre Cardin blue 1970’s tracksuit. Thank you for being a friend.
Last but certainly not least is a tribute to the classic 80’s pseudo-streetwear, made-to—look-like-you’ve-got-a-long-sleeved-shirt-under-your-cutoff-muscle-sweatshirt…. sweatshirt. The painter’s cap is mine all mine (not for sale) but I wanted to rock it to show you I can electric boogaloo when I need to.
These and many more vintage treasures hitting the store today. Thanks for visiting!