I got to ride a pretty sweet Bob Cat zero turn mower this past weekend. Super fast and excellent for doing donuts in the dried leaves and grass. Go Carts are fun and all, but they aren't really thrilling unless you're out on the real earth and grass. But mowers like these...its like a go-cart with a purpose! Shoot, a destiny!! Don't get me started....I do love me some lawn equipment.

Sister is hogging the ride.
I thought the juxtaposition of the wooden "make-believe" car
next to that grass-devouring stunner might make for a humorous image.
Hope it was as good for you as it was for me.
I'd never used the walkie talkie style noise cancelling headphones during mowing before* and I did that today too, talking shit with my dad and using up all his gas mowing the yard for fun.
I need help.

happy mowing...rr
*This is my subtle attempt at being snobbish because I have used the walkie talkie phones plenty of times but not actually during mowing as I did this day. I usually listen to just the AM/FM plus noise-cancelling headphones during mowing. In case anyone was losing sleep over this.
*This is my subtle attempt at being snobbish because I have used the walkie talkie phones plenty of times but not actually during mowing as I did this day. I usually listen to just the AM/FM plus noise-cancelling headphones during mowing. In case anyone was losing sleep over this.