Now, to do some sort of fashion penance, I just out myself right then and there by confessing my lateness right there in the title:
The Late Daily Aigner, The Fashionably Late Daily Aigner, The Extremely Tardy, The Lately Listed, etc etc... But now I'm running out of names!! What's a girl to do?
Maybe you've even suspected that after almost 3 months straight of doing this daily that I am running out of Aigs even. But you're wrong. I am not out of Aigners. I'm out of "The Daily". Who ever has enough Day to get them through their Daily? Deep thoughts by your favorite undead shoe slingin' Garbage Pail Mommy. (are there any others? cool, then I win)
So after this weekend I promise I'll try to do better...But I'm still testing some of 'em first...

Thanks for supporting the master Mister Etienne...and keep checkin' out my Aigs!