Being in the undead business business year round, I decided to take the month of October off. Don't ask me why, but I did. I also took a year off from being some form of a zombie at Halloween, since to me zombie facepaint and fake blood are about as "business casual" as it gets. So I convinced my husband to dress up like Robert Smith and Simon Gallup (or fill in the blank other member of The Cure) but in my "usual way" (read: esoteric snob) I didn't just want to dress up like them in their normal style. Instead we did an homage to the Head on The Door poster I had up on my wall as a teenager, also known as the "In Between Days" album cover. I got some awesome day glo facepaint (almost like a powder) from my good friends at Performance Studios and a couple Kiss wigs (the best thing I could find for a Robert Smith look) and we were in! I even carried around a fake blow up guitar on my side for good measure.

My sister and her boyfriend let us tag along with them and we hit a show at Foobar with a sweet lineup of cover bands. Nikki Lane worked the door which seemed unnecessary seeing as how a little mason jar with a note would have worked considering it was a beyond reasonable $1 cover at the door. But its cool, she looked pretty smart in a Boardwalk Empire look complete with a wiggle dress and vintage fox stole. Super fun!! and I even saw another Robert Smith there at the party which rocked my WORLD! I went up to him and introduced myself by asking "Disintegration? I'm Head on the Door" drawing a blank stare from him momentarily before he realized this short girl in front of him was actually dressed as Robert Smith as well. He looked fantastic so I had to request a picture with him.

Nothing like seeing two Robert Smiths playing pool with each other in a smoky bar.
Only in Nashville.
Only in Nashville.
A bunch of cover bands played but I think the Ramones took the cake for look-alike points. A baby "mosh pit" even formed, if you can really call it that (you can't, trust me, it was very "comfy") and I was on the outskirts just watching the show but did intervene when I saw that pacman had fallen down and his huge pacman head was making it hard for him to get resituated. Mosh pit etiquette definitely was in effect but not without some chuckles on my part that I felt led to rescue Pacman from a mosh pit. Goodness Gracious....

It was so worth having a neon green face for the following day to go with my mild hangover. Soooo worth it.
xoxo, rr